Qirong TANG

A435. Kaiwu Bldg. of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji Univ.,
No. 4800 Cao An Rd., Shanghai 201804, P. R. China
Email qirong.tang@outlook.com

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Qirong Tang   

During the semester year of 2024, Prof. Tang would enroll 2 to 4 Ph.D. students and 4 to 6 Master students who will start their study in the Autumn of 2025, meanwhile 1 to 2 Post-doc. For sure, international students are also very welcomed.

  • Research Interests
    • Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics
      Swarm Intelligence and Swarm Robotics;
      Robot Manipulator, Hand, Dual-arm System (incl. Large Space Manipulator) and Its Compliant Grasp Control;
      Human-Robot Collaboration with Hybrid Intelligence;
      Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator Systems (Robots);
      Robot Navigation and Control
      Multibody Dynamics and Optimization
      Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research on Robotics, Multibody System Dynamics and Optimization
      Virtual Reality and Metaverse
      Robotic Virtual Reality and Metaverse Robotics
      Immersive Fusion Interaction Between Physical Swarm Robots and Virtual Swarm Robots

  • Work Experience
    • May 2015 - Present Professor, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University.
      Oct. 2014 - Apr. 2015 Associate Professor, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University.
      Oct. 2012 - Sep. 2014 Senior Research Associate, ITM, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

  • Education
    • Oct. 2008 - Sep. 2012 Doctoral Study and Research in University of Stuttgart, Major in Mechanical Engineering in the Field of Swarm Robotics, Dissertation under Prof. Eberhard Entitled Cooperative Search by Mixed Simulated and Real Robots in a Swarm Based on Mechanical Particle Swarm Optimization, with Grade mit Auszeichnung.
      Sep. 2006 - Jul. 2008 Master of Science in Mechatronics at State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology(HIT), China. University Outstanding Thesis. GPA 3.9/4.
      (2005 - 2008: Institute of Robotics of HIT)
      Sep. 2002 - Jul. 2006 Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Automation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, HIT. University Outstanding Thesis. Awarded as Recommended Student and Exempted from Admission Exams for Master Study.

  • Honors & Awards
    • (selected)
      2022 The Master thesis work 'Research on Three-dimensional Spatial Motion Planning and Modular Truss Assembly with Dual-arm Collaboration' done by Mr. Zhipeng XU, supervised by Prof. Qirong Tang was granted as Tongji University's outstanding Master Thesis of 2022
      2022 Vice Director and Member of the Standing Committee of Virtual Reality and Human-computer Interaction of China, CICC
      2021 Member of an AI Expert Group
      2021 "Robot Intelligence" Special Committee of China Association for Science and Technology
      2021 Organizing Committee of China Robotics Academic Annual Conference
      2021 Convener of "Swarm Intelligence and Swarm Robots" Forum of 2021 China Robotics Academic Annual Conference
      2021 The student innovation project "multifunctional water environment monitoring and cleaning robot for small aquaculture waters" supervised by Prof. Qirong TANG, and Dr. Ruiqin GUO, was selected into the 14th National College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship annual conference. (Xi'an, China)
      2021 The project "Flexible PCBs Sorting by Collaborative Dual-arm Based on Computer Vision" supervised by Prof. Qirong TANG won the first prize of the growth group at the 7th Tongji University Students' innovation and entrepreneurship academic forum.
      2020 The Second Prize Winner of 2020 Shanghai Science and Technology (Ranking No. 1)
      2020 The thesis work 'Robotic Arm Grasp Planning and Evaluating Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks' done by Mr. Xuecheng QI, supervised by Prof. Qirong Tang was granted as Tongji University's outstanding Bachelor Thesis of 2020
      2019 The Organizing Committee Member of the Tenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
      2018 Winner of the Youth Five Four Medal at Tongji University
      2018 The Organizing Committee Chairman of the Ninth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, Best Special Session Paper Award
      2017 Best Special Session Paper Award of the Eighth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
      2015 Awardee of National High-level Talents Plan
      2015 Awardee of Shanghai Pujiang Program (Type A)
      2015 The thesis work 'Three-Dimensional Modeling and Transmission Design of the Light-weight Robot' done by Mr. Gongyao CHEN, supervised by Prof. Qirong Tang was granted as Tongji University's outstanding Bachelor Thesis of 2015
      2014 Awardee of Tongji University Youth Excellent Talents Training Plan
      2013 The US Media 'VerticalNews' reported Prof. Tang's research on Swarm Robotics (Nov. 18, 2013)
      2013 As elected specialist of Robotics and Mechatronics by CGME, Germany
      2013 Chunhui Program Holder of Ministry of Education of P.R. China
      2011 Finalist for the SimTech 2011 International Conference Best Poster Award
      2010 IFToMM Young Delegate Grant Holder

  • Publications
    • black: published, green: accepted for publication, red: submitted for publication
      [133] Baoping Ma, Yuanxiang Wang, Wenrui Wang, Alois Knoll, and Qirong Tang*. Seeing-Policy4Guiding: Egocentric Vision-based Locomotion Over Vertical Challenging Terrain for Quadruped Guide Robot. The 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (2025 ICRA). (under review)
      [132] Yuanzhe Cui, Bingzheng Wang, Yiheng Zhang, Hongwei Chen, Alois Knoll, and Qirong Tang*. Payload Stabilization of Logistical Aerial Manipulator. The 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (2025 ICRA). (under review)
      [131] Min Yu, Haoyu Liu, Wenkai Zhang, Qirong Tang*. Analysis on key technologies of collective detection behavior by autonomous underwater vehicles. Ship Science and Technology, vol., 4, 2025. (in Chinese)(accepted)
      [130] Wenkai Zhang, Min Yu, Haoyu Liu, Hao Ye, Lingling Feng, Qirong Tang*. A light underwater multi-object tracking algorithm with low detection confidence. Ship Science and Technology, vol., 6, 2025. (in Chinese)(accepted)
      [129] Shibo Su, Haoyu Liu, Min Yu, Qirong Tang*. Hydrodynamic characteristics analysis of AUVs formation. Ship Science and Technology, 2025. (in Chinese)(accepted)
      [128] Yuanzhe Cui, Zhipeng Xu, Lou Zhong, Pengjie Xu, Yichao Shen, and Qirong Tang*. A Task-adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Dual-arm Robot Manipulation. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, online publication on Jan., 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2024.3352584
      [127] Hai Huang, Xinyu Bian, Tao Jiang, Qirong Tang, Hongde Qin, Zhuo Wang. Hydrodynamic Analysis and Manipulation Control on A Streamlined I-AUV. ISA Transactions, 153: 453-466, 2024.
      [126] Genliang Xiong*, Lan Ye, Xiaoqing Zhang, Yanfeng Gao, Hua Zhang, Dapeng Yang, Chao Yu, and Qirong Tang. Multi-point Variable Parameter Compliant Control of Redundant Manipulator Based on the Equivalent Twin Model of Flexible Contact Dynamics. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, online publication on Oct., 2024.
      [125] Qirong Tang*, Hao Yang, Chongfeng Zhang, Huaiwu Zou, Ning Li, Xiaolong Ma, Wenrui Wang, and Lou Zhong. Dynamic Modeling and Trajectory Tracking Control of Space Manipulator System with Flexible Joints. Asian Journal of Control. (under review)
      [124] Changhui Liu, Ke Jin, Yixi Zhao, Xiaojia Liu, Jianzhi Sun, Xin Li, and Qirong Tang*. A Flexible Fixture System with Integrated Position Optimization for Large Thin-walled Component Assembly. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. (under review)
      [123] Guoxin Li, Xingjian Liu, Yunhao Xia, Qirong Tang, Hao Zhang, Zhijun Li*, and Peng Shi. A Nonlinear MPC-Net Optimization Framework for Wheeled Humanoid Robots with Whole Body Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics. (under review)
      [122] Bowen Dang, Genliang Xiong*, Jinyan Li, and Qirong Tang. A Semantic VSLAM System Based on Multiple Classifiers in Dynamic Scenarios. IEEE Sensors Journal. (under review)
      [121] Dong Sun, Qirong Tang*, Minghao Liu, Jiang Li, Haoyu Liu, Guohua Cui. Research on swarm formation control of modular underwater robots. Ship Science and Technology, 2024, 46(2): 68-73. (in Chinese)
      [120] Ruiming Wu, Ruifan Yang, Qirong Tang*. Exploration on International Doctoral Talent Training Model and Practice: Taking the construction of the Doctors' School of Chinesisch-Deutsches Hochschulkolleg at Tongji University as An Example. Educational Informatization Forum, 2024, (04): 72-74. (in Chinese)
      [119] Xiaoping Xie, Ruiqing Guo, Qirong Tang*. Research on Flexible Packaging Technology in Cross border E-commerce. Machinery, 2024, 62(01): 62-67. (in Chinese)
      [118] Wenshuo Yue, Qirong Tang*, Xiaoping Xie, Guohua Cui. Research on Prosthetic Hand Finger Control System Based on Joint Current. Machine Tool & Hydraulics, 2024. (in Chinese)(accepted)
      [117] Yanpeng Yu, Moduo Yu, Qirong Tang, Qinqin Fan*. Multi-UAV cooperative path planning algorithm for urban emergency material distribution. Control and Decision, 2024. (in Chinese)(accepted)
      [116] Baoping Ma, Yuanxiang Wang, Wenrui Wang, Feng Chen, Hongwei Kan, and Qirong Tang*. MG4GQR: Multi-Gait Locomotion of Guided Quadruped Robot Via Teacher-Student Learning. The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (2024 ROBIO), will be held on December 10-14, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand. (accepted)
      [115] Chao Yang, Qirong Tang*, Wenrui Wang, Hao Yang, Rongfu Lin, Shuqing Wang, and Qingyun Liu. Time-jerk Optimal Trajectory Planning of Robot based on Dung Beetle Optimizer Algorithm. The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Control Engineering (IRCE), Xi’an, China, August 7-9, 2024.
      [114] Bingzheng Wang, Yuanzhe Cui, Yuanxiang Wang and Qirong Tang*. An Automatic Weighting Decision-making Framework for Trajectory Tracking of the Overactuated UAVs Platform. In: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2024), July 31-August 2, 2024, Xi'an, China.
      [113] Xiaotian Li, Feng Chen, Yuanxiang Wang, Baoping Ma, and Qirong Tang*. Obstacle Avoidance for Guided Quadruped Robots in Complex Environments. In: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2024), July 31-August 2, 2024, Xi'an, China.
      [112] Xiaotian Li, Hongwei Kan, Yuanxiang Wang, Baoping Ma, and Qirong Tang*. Multi-sensor Fusion Localization and Terrain Reconstruction for Guided Quadruped Robots. In: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2024), July 31-August 2, 2024, Xi'an, China.
      [111] Yiheng Zhang, Yuanzhe Cui, Yongbo Su, Tong Li, Bingzheng Wang, and Qirong Tang*. Multi-modal Cooperative Perception of Constraint Multi-UAV Platform. In: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2024), July 31-August 2, 2024, Xi'an, China.
      [110] Min Yu, Zhijun Li, Yuan Chai, Yiheng Cheng, Haisheng Xia, Haoyu Liu, and Qirong Tang*. Pursuit-evasion Game for Underwater Robots Considering Both Position and Orientation. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), July 8-10, 2024, Tokyo, Japan.
      [109] Haoyu Liu, Min Yu, Zhijun Li, Shen Xu, Haisheng Xia, Xiaoping Xie, and Qirong Tang*. Robust Cooperative Localization of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Derived Adaptive Regularization. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), July 8-10, 2024, Tokyo, Japan.
      [108] Zhijun Li, Qirong Tang, Lingjing Jin, Qijun Chen, Zhuping Wang, and Guang Chen. Dexterous Manipulation Control of a Bionic Prosthesis in Cooperation with Human Upper Limbs. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), July 8-10, 2024, Tokyo, Japan. (Best Paper Award Finalist)
      [107] Kaiqun Zhu, Qirong Tang* and Pengcheng Zhang. Encoding-based Fusion Estimation for Multi-sensor Systems: Applications to Target Tracking. The 39th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC2024), June 7-9, 2024, Dalian, China. (Best Application Paper Award)
      [106] Wei Zuo, Qinging Liu, Qirong Tang, and Qinqin Fan*. A Multi-task Constrained Multi-objective Differential Evolutionary Algorithm based on Task Correlation Detection. The 7th International Symposium on Autonomous Systems (ISAS), May 7-9, 2024, Chongqing, China.
      [105] Minghao Liu, Haoyu Liu, Min Yu, and Qirong Tang*. A Preference-based Reinforcement Learning Approach Using Reward Exploration for Decision Making. Chinese Control and Decision Control (CCDC), May 25-27, 2024, Xi'an, China.
      [104] Haoyu Liu, Min Yu, Wenkai Zhang, Minghao Liu, and Qirong Tang*. Jamming-free Impedance Control of UVMS Based on Contact Mechanisms for Peg-in-hole Tasks. Chinese Control and Decision Control (CCDC), May 25-27, 2024, Xi’an, China.
      [103] Wenkai Zhang, Min Yu, Haoyu Liu, Minghao Liu, and Qirong Tang*. An Anti-disturbance Control Strategy for Underwater Peg-in-hole Operation. Chinese Control and Decision Control (CCDC), May 25-27, 2024, Xi’an, China.
      [102] Qirong Tang*, Daopeng Jin, Rong Luo, Rui Tao, Chonglun Li, Jiang Li, Minghao Liu, and Chuan Wang. Tracking Control of An Underwater Manipulator Using Active Disturbance Rejection. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 28: 770-783, 2023.
      [101] Minghao Liu, Qirong Tang*, Yinghao Li, Changhui Liu, and Jiang Li. A Chattering-suppression Sliding Mode Controller for Underwater Manipulator Using Time Delay Estimation. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2023, 11(1742): 1-15, 2023.
      [100] Pengjie Xu, Xinyi Chen and Qirong Tang*. Design and Coverage Path Planning of a Disinfection Robot. Actuators, 12(182): 1-15, 2023.
      [99] Pengjie Xu, Jingtao Zhang, Yuanzhe Cui, Kun Zhang, and Qirong Tang*. Kinematics Modeling and Coordinated Control of Multiple Mobile Manipulators with Closed-chain Constraints. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 14 pages, 2023.
      [98] Pengjie Xu, Yuanzhe Cui, Yichao Shen, Wei Zhu, Yiheng Zhang, Bingzheng Wang, and Qirong Tang*. Reinforcement Learning Compensated Coordination Control of Multiple Mobile Manipulators for Tight Cooperation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 123: 106281, 2023.
      [97] Qirong Tang*, Wenrui Wang, Chongfeng Zhang, Huaiwu Zou, Lou Zhong, Ning Li, Xiaolong Ma. Method for Suppressing Vibration During the Position/Force Switching of the Interaction Between a Robotic Arm and the Environment. Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis, 2023, 43(03): 419-426. (in Chinese)
      [96] Dong Sun, Qirong Tang*, Jiang Li, Minghao iu, and Guohua Cui. Trajectory tracking control of underactuated micro-AUV based on sliding mode control. Ship Science and Technology, 2023, 45(24): 97-101. (in Chinese)
      [95] Dong Sun, Qirong Tang*, Jiang Li, and Guohua Cui. Design and Implementation of Modular and Convenient Underwater Vehicle System. Automation & Instrumentation, 2023, 38(7): 47-51+56. (in Chinese)
      [94] Wenshuo Yue, Guohua Cui, Ruiqin Guo, Qirong Tang*. A review of research and application of flexible body modeling and compliant control for robot grasping. Robot Technique and Application, 2023, 1: 15-22. (in Chinese)
      [93] Zhuangzhaung Yan, Qirong Tang*, Fang Wang, Ruiqin Guo, Xianglong Wu, and Qingyun Liu. The Dental Implant Robot System Based on Binocular Vision. In: 5th International Conference on Robotics and Computer Vision (ICRCV2023). pp 283-287, September 15-17, 2023, Nanjing, China.
      [92] Bin Liu, Qirong Tang, Wentao Huang, Qingchao Jiang, and Qinqin Fan*. An Elliptical Tangent Graph Method Based on Multi-source Information for UAV Path Planning. Proceedings of 3rd 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems (3rd ICAUS 2023), Sept 8-11, 2023, Nanjing, China.
      [91] Wenshuo Yue, Wenrui Wang, Baoping Ma, Hao Yang, Guohua Cui, and Qirong Tang*. Design and Motion Analysis of An Underactuated Finger Based on the Coupled and Self-adaptive Linkage Mechanism. The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Control Engineering (ICRE), Jilin, China, August 4-6, 2023, pp.136-141.
      [90] Qirong Tang*, Hao Yang, Wenrui Wang, Min Yu, Lou Zhong, Baoping Ma, and Wenshuo Yue. Grasp compliant control using adaptive admittance control methods for flexible objects. The 16th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), Hangzhou, China, July 5-7, 2023.
      [89] Delun Li, Lou Zhong, Wei Zhu, Zhipeng Xu, and Qirong Tang*. A Survey of Space Robotic Technologies for On-orbit Assembly. Space: Science & Technology, A Science Partner Journal. 13 pages, 2022. (Outstanding Contribution)
      [88] Jiawen Liu, Hui Li*, Lijun Sun, Zhongyin Guo, John Harvey, Qirong Tang, Haizhu Lu, and Ming Jia. In-situ Resources for Infrastructure Construction on Mars: A Review. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 11(1):1-16, 2022.
      [87] Qirong Tang*, Qianchen Xia, Chenfei Xu, and Pengjie Xu. Human-machine Interaction System Design for Space-oriented Manipulator Teleoperation. Journal of Command and Control, 2022, 8(03): 278-285. (in Chinese)
      [86] Yichao Shen, Yuanzhe Cui, Wei Zhu, Peter Eberhard, and Qirong Tang*. Dynamic Analysis on Formation for the Flight Energy-Saving of a Flapping Wing Robots Flock. In: Nachbagauer, K., Held, A. (eds) Optimal Design and Control of Multibody Systems. IUTAM 2022. IUTAM Bookseries, vol 42. Springer, Cham.
      [85] Xianglong Wu, Qirong Tang*, Fang Wang, Ruiqin Guo, Qing Zhu, Shujun Li, Deyu Tu, and Qingyun Liu. A Robot-assisted System for Dental Implantation. In: 15th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2022). pp 345-353, August 1-3, 2022, Harbin, China.
      [84] Qirong Tang*, Wei Zhu, Yuanzhe Cui, and Pengjie Xu. An Active Obstacle Avoidance Method. In: 15th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2022). pp 345-353, August 1-3, 2022, Harbin, China.
      [83] Yuanzhe Cui, Wei Zhu, Yichao Shen, Peter Eberhard, and Qirong Tang*. An Optimized Control Framework for the Flighting Energy-saving of a Flock of FlappingWing Robots. IUTAM Symposium on Optimal Design and Control of Multibody Systems, July 18-21, 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
      [82] Wei Zhu, Yuanzhe Cui, Pengjie Xu, Jingtao Zhang, Qirong Tang*. Design and Active Obstacle Avoidance Function of Group oriented Integrated Forming Mobile Robot. Manufacturing Information Engineering of China, 2022, 51(9): 32-39. (in Chinese)
      [81] Jiang Li, Daopeng Jin, Minghao Liu, and Qirong Tang*. Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of UVMS for Object Placement with Disturbance Compensation. In: Proceedings of The First International Conference on Mechanical System Dynamics (the 1st ICMSD), August 12-18, 2022, Nanjing.
      [80] Pengjie Xu, Jingtao Zhang, Yuanzhe Cui, Kun Zhang, Xinyi Chen, and Qirong Tang*. Dynamic Modelling and Position-force Control for a Mobile Manipulator Based on Particles System Theory. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS), Oct. 15-17, 2021, Beijing, pp 884-889.
      [79] Qirong Tang*, Yuanzhe Cui, Jingtao Zhang, Pengjie Xu, and Kun Zhang. Collective Dynamics and Visual Interaction Topology of Bionic Flapping-wing Robot Flock. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS), Oct. 15-17, 2021, Beijing, pp 902-907.
      [78] Qirong Tang*, Jiang Li, Daopeng Jin, Thao Ngogia, Minghao Liu, and Yinghao Li. hree-dimension Visual Simulation for Formation Tracing Control of Multiple Underwater Vehicles. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS), Oct. 15-17, 2021, Beijing, pp 878-883.
      [77] Thao NgoGia, Yinghao Li, Daopeng Jin, Jinyuan Guo, Jiang Li, and Qirong Tang*. Real-Time Sea Cucumber Detection Based on YOLOv4-Tiny and Transfer Learning Using Data Augmentation. In: Processdings of the Twelfth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2021), July 17-21, 2021, Qingdao, China, pp 119–128.
      [76] Qirong Tang*, Daopeng Jin, Yang Hong, Jinyuan Guo, and Jiang Li. Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Underwater Manipulator. In: Processdings of the Twelfth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2021), July 17-21, 2021, Qingdao, China, pp 102–110.
      [75] Qirong Tang*, Kun Zhang, Pengjie Xu, Jingtao Zhang, and Yuanzhe Cui. Map Fusion Method Based on Image Stitching for Multi-robot SLAM. In: Processdings of the Twelfth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2021), July 17-21, 2021, Qingdao, China, pp 146-154.
      [74] Qirong Tang*, Lou Zhong, Zheng Zhou, Wenfeng Zhu, and Zhugang Chu. Primitive Shape Recognition Based on Local Point Cloud for Object Grasp. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2021), July 17-21, 2021, Qingdao, China, pp 85-91.
      [73] Pengjie Xu, Jun Zheng*, Jingtao Zhang, Kun Zhang, Yuanzhe Cui, and Qirong Tang. Distributed Position-Force Control for Cooperative Transportation with Multiple Mobile Manipulators. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2021), July 17-21, 2021, Qingdao, China, pp 111-158.
      [72] Jiawen Liu, Hui Li, Lijun Sun, Zhongyin Guo, John Harvey, Qirong Tang, Haizhu Lu, and Ming Jia. In-situ Resources for Infrastructure Construction on Mars: A Review. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 11(1):1-16, 2022.
      [71] Zheng Zhou, Huaiwu Zou, Zhugang Chu, Lou Zhong, Qirong Tang*. Flexible Pedestal Vibration Suppression Based on Active Damping Control (in Chinese). Aerospace Shanghai, 2021, 6: 100-104.
      [67] Qirong Tang, Zhugang Chu, Shun Wu, Yu Qiang, and Qingyan Zhao. Review of Model Predictive Control in Robotic Manipulator (in Chinese). Techniques of Automation and Applications, 14 pages, 2020. (submitted)
      [70] Jingtao Zhang, Jun Zheng, Xiaodong Zhang, Kun Zhang, Pengjie Xu, and Qirong Tang*. An Intern-sufficient Cloud for Large-scale Multi-robot Systems and Its application in Multi-target Navigation. International Journal of Advanced Robotic System, 18(3):1-16, 2021.
      [69] Qirong Tang*, Yang Hong, Zhenqiang Deng, Daopeng Jin, and Yinghao Li. Research on Sliding Mode Control of Underwater Vehicle-manipulator System Based on an Exponential Approach Law. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, July 14-19, 2020, Belgrade, Serbia, pp 607–615.
      [68] Qirong Tang*, Zhugang Chu, Yu Qiang, Shun Wu, and Zheng Zhou. Trajectory Tracking of Robotic Manipulators with Constraints Based on Model Predictive Control. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), June 22-26, 2020, Ritsumeikan University - Suzaku Campus, Kyoto, Japan, pp 23-28.
      [67] Qirong Tang, Zhugang Chu, Shun Wu, Yu Qiang, and Qingyan Zhao. Review of Model Predictive Control in Robotic Manipulator (in Chinese). Techniques of Automation and Applications, 14 pages, 2020. (submitted)
      [66] Hai Huang, Qirong Tang, Guocheng Zhang, Tiedong Zhang*, Lei Wan, and Yongjie Pang. Multibody System-Based Adaptive Formation Scheme for Multiple Under-actuated AUVs. Sensors, 20(7):1943, 1-17, 2020.
      [65] Jingtao Zhang, Zhipeng Xu, Fangchao Yu, and Qirong Tang*. A Fully Distributed Multi-robot Navigation Method without Pre-allocating Target Positions. Autonomous Robots, 45(4): 473-492, 2021.
      [64] Zhipeng Xu, Yuan Zhang, Zhugang Chu, and Qirong Tang*. Investigation on the Transportation with Multiple Mobile Manipulators. The 3rd Symposium for Young Scholars on Multibody System Dynamics, June 7-10, 2019, 2 pages, Chongqing, China.
      [63] Qirong Tang*, Shun Wu, Haibo Tu, and Zhugang Chu. Force Control in Flexible Object Grasping Based on Position Predictor. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Dec. 6-8, 2019, Dali, China, pp 102-107.
      [62] Qirong Tang*, Pengjie Xu, Fangchao Yu, Jingtao Zhang, and Zhipeng Xu. Dual Closed-loop Impedance Control for Wheeled Mobile Manipulator in Trajectory Tracking. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Dec. 6-8, 2019, Dali, China, pp 108-113.
      [61] Qirong Tang*, Fangchao Yu, Zhipeng Xu, and Peter Eberhard. Swarm Robots Search for Multiple Targets. IEEE Access, 8: 92814-92826, 2020.
      [60] Qirong Tang*, Xue Hu, Zhugang Chu, and Shun Wu. 6D Gripper Pose Estimation from RGB-D Image. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS 2019), Sept. 23-25, 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series, Vol. 11754, pp 120-125.
      [59] Zhongqun Zhang, Jingtao Zhang, and Qirong Tang*. Mask R-CNN based Semantic RGB-D SLAM for Dynamic Scenes. Proceedings of the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July 8-12, 2019, Hong Kong, China, pp 1151-1156.
      [58] Yiling Liu, Hesheng Wang, Fan Xu, Yong Wang, Weidong Chen, and Qirong Tang. Local Pose Optimization with an Attention-Based Neural Network. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), November 4-8, 2019, Macau, China, pp 3084-3089.
      [57] Qirong Tang*, Haibo Tu, Jingtao Zhang, and Fangchao Yu. A Multifunctional Auxiliary System for the Autonomous Flying and Localization of Quadrotors. Proceedings of the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July 8-12, 2019, Hong Kong, China, pp 1181-1186.
      [56] Qirong Tang*, Zhipeng Xu, Fangchao Yu, Zhongqun Zhang, and Jingtao Zhang. Dynamic Target Searching and Tracking with Swarm Robots Based on Stigmergy Mechanism. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 120, pp 1-15, ID: 103251, 2019.
      [55] Qirong Tang*, Jingtao Zhang, Fangchao Yu, Pengjie Xu, and Zhongqun Zhang. Multi-robot Cooperation Strategy in a Partially Observable Markov Game Using Enhanced Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, July 26-30, 2019, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series, vol 11656, pp 3-10.
      [54] Qingyan Zhao, Jie Li, Shun Wu, Haibo Tu, Qirong Tang*. Dynamic Matrix Predictive Control of Manipulators Based on Genetic Algorithms (in Chinese). Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science), Vol. 41, No. 1, pp 32-37, 2020.
      [53] Qirong Tang*, Di Chen, Yinghao Li, and Leyi Tang. Three-dimensional Visual Simulation for Trajectory Tracking of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on UWSim. Proceedings of the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July 8-12, 2019, Hong Kong, China, pp 1175-1180.
      [52] Qirong Tang, Yinghao Li, Ruiqin Guo, Daopeng Jin, Yang Hong, and Hai Huang*. Chattering-suppression Sliding Mode Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Nonlinear Disturbance Observer and Power Function Reaching Law. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 43(9):2081-2093, 2021.
      [51] Hai Huang, Zexing Zhou, Jiyong Li, Qirong Tang, Wanli Zhang, and Gang Wang*. Investigation on the Mechanical Design and Manipulation Hydrodynamics for a Small Sized, Single body and Streamlined I-AUV. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 186, pp 1-13, ID: 106106, 2019.
      [50] Hai Huang, Qirong Tang, Jiyong Li, Wanli Zhang, Xuan Bao, Haitao Zhu, Gang Wang*. A Review on Underwater Autonomous Environmental Perception and Target Grasp, the Challenge of Robotic Organism Capture. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 195, pp 1-11, ID: 106644, 2020.
      [49] Qirong Tang*, Jie Li, Lingkai Zhang, Qingyan Zhao, Huaiwu Zou, Ning Li. Review of Compliant Capture with Space Manipulator (in Chinese). Aerospace Shanghai, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp 110-118, 2019.
      [48] Qirong Tang*, Zhenqiang Deng, Yinghao Li, and Di Chen. Trajectory Tracking Control of an Underwater Vehicle-manipulator System Based on Sliding Mode Control Method (in Chinese). Ship Science and Technology, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp 54-58, 2019.
      [47] Qirong Tang*, Yinghao Li, Zhenqiang Deng, Di Chen, Ruiqin Guo, and Hai Huang. Optimal Shape Design of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization. Natural Computing, 19(4): 733-742, 2020.
      [46] Qirong Tang*, Fangchao Yu, Yuan Zhang, and Jingtao Zhang. A Stigmergetic Method Based on Vector Pheromone for Target Search with Swarm Robots. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 32(3): 533-555, 2019.
      [45] Qirong Tang*, Lu Ding, Fangchao Yu, Yuan Zhang, Yinghao Li, and Haibo Tu. Swarm Robots Search for Multiple Targets Based on An Improved Grouping Strategy. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp 1943–1950, 2018.
      [44] Qirong Tang*, Haibo Tu, Shun Wu, and Jie Li. Adaptive Control of a Manipulator with Flexible Joint Using PSO Optimization. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Dec. 12-15, 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp 642-647.
      [43] Qirong Tang*, Jingtao Zhang, Fangchao Yu, Yuan Zhang, and Zhongqun Zhang. A Resource Management Algorithm for Real-time Response of Mobile Ad hoc Cloud in Swarm Robotic System. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Dec. 12-15, 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp 1171-1176.
      [42] Hai Huang, Jiyong Li, Guocheng Zhang, Qirong Tang, and Lei Wan. Adaptive Recurrent Neural Network Motion Control for Observation Class Remotely Operated Vehicle Manipulator System with Modeling Uncertainty. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp 1-16, 2018.
      [41] Henrik Ebel, Wei Luo, Fangchao Yu, Qirong Tang, and Peter Eberhard. Design and Experimental Validation of a Distributed Cooperative Transportation Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 18(3):1157-1169, 2021.
      [40] Qirong Tang*, Lingkai Zhang, Ning Li, Huaiwu Zou, and Jie Li. Structure Design and Compliance Control of Serial-parallel Hybrid End-effector of Space Manipulator (in Chinese). Manned Spaceflight, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp 618-623, 2018.
      [39] Qirong Tang*, Yuan Zhang, Fangchao Yu, and Jingtao Zhang. An Obstacle Avoidance Method for Cooperative Transportation with Multiple Mobile Manipulators Based on Featherstone Algorithm. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Multibody Dynamics in Aerospace and Robotics Engineering, September 25-29, 2018, Beijing, China, pp 1-2.
      [38] Qirong Tang*, Yuan Zhang, Fangchao Yu, and Jingtao Zhang. An Obstacle Avoidance Approach Based on System Outlined Rectangle for Cooperative Transportation of Multiple Mobile Manipulators. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Safety for Robotics, August 24-27, 2018, Shenyang, China, pp 533-538.
      [37] Yuan Zhang, Fangchao Yu, Jingtao Zhang, Zhipeng Xu, and Qirong Tang*. An Energy Minimized Obstacle Avoidance Method for Cooperative Transportation with Multiple Mobile Manipulators. Proceedings of the 9th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics, August 19-23, 2018, Xi’an, China, pp 1-2.
      [36] Wei Luo, Qirong Tang*, Changhong Fu, and Peter Eberhard. Deep-Sarsa Based Multi-UAV Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance in a Dynamic Environment. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, June 17–22, 2018, Shanghai, China. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series, Vol. 10942, pp 102-111.
      [35] Qirong Tang*, Yinghao Li, Zhenqiang Deng, Di Chen, Ruiqin Guo, and Hai Huang. Optimal Shape Design of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Gene Expression Programming. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, June 17–22, 2018, Shanghai, China. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series, Vol. 10942, pp 132-141.
      [34] Qirong Tang*, Lu Ding, Jiaying Li, Yuan Zhang, and Fangchao Yu. A Stigmergy Based Aggregation Method for Swarm Robotic System. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2017, Hawii, USA, pp 1-6.
      [33] Hongwei Mo, He Ou, Lifang Xu, Chaomin Luo, Qirong Tang, and Lu Ding. UAV Coverage Path Planning Algorithm for Bridge Detection. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2017, Hawii, USA, pp 1863-1868.
      [32] Hai Huang, Qirong Tang (co-first author), Guocheng Zhang, Lei Wan, and Hongde Qin. A Novel Approach to Integrate Potential Field and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Learning for the Formation Control of Multiple AUVs. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 12, pp 1-11, 2017.
      [31] Yang Li*, Qirong Tang, Qing Chang, and Michael Brundage. An Eventbased Analysis of Condition-based Maintenance Decision-making in Multistage Production Systems. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55, No. 16, pp 4753–4764, 2017.
      [30] Qirong Tang*, Le Liang, Jianhua Xie, and Zhenqiang Deng. Task-priority Redundancy Resolution on Acceleration Level for Underwater Vehicle-manipulator System. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp 1-9, 2017.
      [29] Qirong Tang*, Fangchao Yu, Yuan Zhang, Lu Ding, and Peter Eberhard. A Stigmergy Based Search Method for Swarm Robots. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, July 27–August 1, 2017, Fukuoka, Japan. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10386, pp 199-209.
      [28] Qirong Tang*, Le Liang, Yinghao Li, Zhenqiang Deng, Yinan Guo, and Hai Huang. An Energy Minimized Solution for Solving Redundancy of Underwater Vehicle-manipulator System Based on Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, July 27–August 1, 2017, Fukuoka, Japan. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10385, pp 394-401.
      [27] Hai Huang, Qirong Tang*, Hongwei Li, Le Liang, Weipo Li, and Yongjie Pang. Vehicle-Manipulator System Dynamic Modeling and Control for Underwater Autonomous Manipulation. Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp 125-147, 2017.
      [26] Jinyu Xu, Tiedong Zhang,Hai Huang*, Zexing Zou, and Qirong Tang. The Development on a Streamlined Underwater Vehicle for Autonomous Manipulation. In Proceedings of the IEEE Oceans 2017, June 19–22, 2017, Aberdeen, UK, pp 1-6.
      [25] Qiqi Zheng, Qirong Tang*, Lingkai Zhang, Jie Li, Zongwu Xie, Hong Liu. A Review to the Modelling and Analysis Methods of Space Manipulators (in Chinese). Manned Spaceflight, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp 82-97, 2017.
      [24] Qinpei Zhao, Zhengyu Liao, Jiangfeng Li, Yang Shi, and Qirong Tang. A Split Smart Swap Clustering for Clutter Problem in Web Mapping System. In Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, October 13–16, 2016, Omaha, USA, pp 439-443.
      [23] Qirong Tang, Lei Zhang, Wei Luo, Lu Ding, Fangchao Yu, and Jian Zhang*. A Comparative Study of Biology-inspired Algorithms Applied to Swarm Robots Target Searching. In Y. Tan, Y. Shi, and L. Li (eds.), Advances in Swarm Intelligence: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, June 25–30, 2016, Bali, Indonesia. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9713, pp 479–490.
      [22] Qirong Tang*, Fangchao Yu, and Lu Ding. A Grouping Method for Multiple Targets Search Using Swarm Robots. In Y. Tan, Y. Shi, and L. Li (eds.), Advances in Swarm Intelligence: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, June 25–30, 2016, Bali, Indonesia. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9713, pp 470–478.
      [21] Werner Schiehlen and Qirong Tang. Dynamics and Control of a Robotic Lawn Mower. In Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, June 29-July 2, 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
      [20] Qirong Tang and Werner Schiehlen. From Lawnmower Dynamics to Modeling, Simulation and Experiments of a Differentially Driven Robot. In M. Ceccarelli and V. A. Glazunov, editors, Advances on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators: Proceedings of the 20th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators (RoManSy 2014), June 23-26, 2014, Moscow, Russia. Collected in Series of Mechanisms and Machine Science, Vol. 22, pp 365-374.
      [19] Hai Huang, Qirong Tang*, Yueming Li, Lei Wan, and Yongjie Pang. Dynamic Control and Disturbance Estimation of 3D Path-Following for the Observation Class Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2013, ID No. 604393, pp 11-26, 2013.
      [18] Hongwei Mo, Qirong Tang and Longlong Meng. Behavior-Based Fuzzy Control for Mobile Robot Navigation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2013, ID No. 561451, pp 1-10, 2013.
      [17] Qirong Tang and Peter Eberhard. Cooperative Search by Combining Simulated and Real Robots in a Swarm under the View of Multibody System Dynamics. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2013, ID No. 284782, pp 1-11, 2013.
      [16] Qirong Tang and Peter Eberhard. Relative Observation for Multi-robot Collaborative Localization Based on Multi-source Signals. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp 571-591, 2014.
      [15] Hai Huang, Qirong Tang, Lei Wan, Dapeng Jiang, and Yongjie Pang. Adaptive Leader-follower Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Formation Strategy Under Acoustic Communication Condition. In 5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, September 30-October 2, 2013, Hamburg, Germany.
      [14] Hongwei Mo, Zhidan Xu and Qirong Tang. Constrained Multi-objective Biogeography Optimization Algorithm for Robot Path Planning. In Y. Tan, Y. Shi, and H. Mo, editors, Advances in Swarm Intelligence: Proceedings of IC-SI' 2013. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7928, pp 323-329.
      [13] Lulu Gong and Qirong Tang. Comparison and Evaluation of Human Locomotion Traits with Different Prosthetic Feet Using Graphical Methods from Control Area. In Y. Tan, Y. Shi, and H. Mo, editors, Advances in Swarm Intelligence: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, June 12-15, 2013, Harbin, China. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7929, pp 463-471.
      [12] Qirong Tang and Peter Eberhard. Mechanical PSO Aided by Extremum Seeking for Swarm Robots Cooperative Search. In Y. Tan, Y. Shi, and H. Mo, editors, Advances in Swarm Intelligence: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, June 12-15, 2013, Harbin, China. Collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7928, pp 64-71.
      [11] Qirong Tang. Cooperative Search by Mixed Simulated and Real Robots in a Swarm Based on Mechanical Particle Swarm Optimization. Shaker Verlag (Press), Aachen, 2012.
      [10] Peter Eberhard and Qirong Tang. Sensor Data Fusion for the Localization and Position Control of One Kind of Omnidirectional Mobile Robots. In J. Gerstmayr and H. Gattringer, editors, Multibody System Dynamics, Robotics and Control, pp 45-73. Springer, Vienna, 2013.
      [9] Peter Eberhard and Qirong Tang. Bridging Particle Swarm Optimization and Swarm Robotics from a Multibody Point of View. In 83rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2012), March 26-30, 2012, Darmstadt, Germany.
      [8] Qirong Tang and Peter Eberhard. Cooperative Motion of Swarm Mobile Robots Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Multibody System Dynamics. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp 179-193, 2011.
      [7] Peter Eberhard and Qirong Tang. Research on Cooperative Motion of Swarm Mobile Robots Based on PSO and Multibody Dynamics. In Colloquium of Advanced Application and Perspectives of Multibody System Dynamics (EUROMECH 515), July 13-16, 2010, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
      [6] Hai Huang, Li Jiang, Yongjie Pang, Shicai Shi, Qirong Tang, Dapeng Yang, and Hong Liu. Observer-based Dynamic Control of an Underactuated Hand. Advanced Robotics, Vol. 24, No. 1-2, pp 123-137, 2010.
      [5] Qirong Tang and Peter Eberhard. Modeling and Motion Planning for a Population of Mobile Robots. In Proceedings of the 18th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control (RoManSy 2010), pp 409-416, July 5-8, 2010, Udine, Italy.
      [4] Peter Eberhard and Qirong Tang. Particle Swarm Optimization Used for Mechanism Design and Guidance of Swarm Mobile Robots. In A. E. Olsson, editor, Particle Swarm Optimization: Theory, Techniques, and Applications, pp 193-225. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011.
      [3] Qirong Tang and Peter Eberhard. A PSO-based Algorithm Designed for a Swarm of Mobile Robots. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp 483-498, 2011.
      [2] Qirong Tang, Li Jiang, Nan Li, Dapeng Yang, Hong Liu. Mechanism Research of Sensory Feedback for Prosthetic Hand (in Chinese). Transducer and Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp 72-75, 2008.
      [1] Qirong Tang, Li Jiang, Hong Liu. Research on Power Management System of Multi-DOF and EMG Based Prosthetic Hand (in Chinese). Machinery & Electronics, Vol. 187, pp 55-58, 2008.

  • Supervised Students
    • black: graduated / closed,   green: in progress,   red: expected
      [175] Oct. 2022 - Name of Doctoral Student. Research on Structure and Control of Cluster UAVs (in Chinese). Doctoral thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [174] Sep. 2022 - Name of Master Student. UAVs Behavior and Skills Learning (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [173] Sep. 2022 - Name of Master Student. Space Mechanisms and Space Multiple Robots (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [172] Sep. 2022 - Name of Master Student. Research on Underwater Swarm Robots with Limited Communication and Limited Information (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [171] Sep. 2022 - Name of Master Student. Research on Cooperative Manipulation and Compliant Grasp of Manipulator (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [170] Sep. 2022 - Name of Master Student. Research on Bionic Clustering and Integrated Control (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [169] Sep. 2022 - Name of Doctoral Student. Research on the Key Technologies of Multiple Manipulator Cooperation (in Chinese). Doctoral thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [168] Sep. 2022 - Name of Doctoral Student. Research on Key Theory and Technology of Underwater Swarm Robots (in Chinese). Doctoral thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [167] Feb. 2022 - Present Yichao Shen. Research on Bionic Swarms. Doctoral thesis, University of Stuttgart. Germany. (co-supervised with Prof. P. Eberhard)
      [166] Nov. 2021 - Present Bingzheng Wang. UAVs (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [165] Nov. 2021 - Present Chenfei Xu. Space Manipulator (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [164] Nov. 2021 - Present Jianing Luo. UAVs (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China. (co-supervised with Prof. Wenbin Wang)
      [163] Nov. 2021 - Present Yichen Liang. Dual Arm Visual Servo Control Method for Flexible PCB Sorting (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [162] Sep. 2021 - Present Zhen Wang. 2021 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [161] Sep. 2021 - Present Yinghao He. 2021 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [160] Sep. 2021 - Present Yidong Chang. 2021 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [159] Sep. 2021 - Present Rouyan Xiang. 2021 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [158] Sep. 2021 - Present Ran Xu. 2021 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [157] Sep. 2021 - Present Hanrui Sun. 2021 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [156] Sep. 2021 - Present Bing Chen. 2021 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [155] Sep. 2021 - Present Benjie Deng. 2021 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [154] Sep. 2021 - Present Minghao Liu. Underwater Vehicles. Master Thesis. Tongji University,Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [153] Sep. 2021 - Present Wei Zhu. Swarm Robotics. Master Thesis. Tongji University,Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [152] Sep. 2021 - Present Wenshuo Yue. Robotic Hand & Manipulator. Master Thesis.Joint-Master,Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [151] Sep. 2021 - Present Zhuangzhuang Yan. Underwater Vehicles. Master Thesis.Joint-Master,Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [150] Sep. 2021 - Present Shujun Li. Dental Implant Robotics. Master Student.Practice/Joint-Master, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [149] Sep. 2021 - Present Xianglong Wu. Dental Implant Robotics. Master Student.Practice/Joint-Master, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [148] Sep. 2021 - Oct. 2021 Kun Liu. Dental Implant Robotics. Master Student.Practice/Joint-Master, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [147] Jun. 2021 - Present Jie Guo. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [146] Jun. 2021 - Present Dong Sun. Underwater Vehicles. Master Thesis.Practice/Joint-Master, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [145] May 2021 - Present Zhao Zhang. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [144] May 2021 - Present Wei Li. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [143] May 2021 - Present Tianping Hou. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [142] May 2021 - Present Siyu Feng. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [141] May 2021 - Present Shun Yu. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [140] May 2021 - Present Shengqi Li. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [139] May 2021 - Present Chengzong Tang. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [138] Nov. 2020 - Jun. 2021 Boyu Li. Undergraduate thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [137] Nov. 2020 - Jun. 2021 Congying Liu. Undergraduate thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [136] Nov. 2020 - Jun. 2021 Zhiyue Huang. Undergraduate thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [135] Sep. 2020 - Present Shanning Zhuang. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [134] Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2021 Ruijie He. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [133] Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2021 Junjie Jiang. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [132] Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2021 Mingqiao Wang. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [131] Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2021 Yifei Yang. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [130] Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2021 Hongzhi Yue. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [129] Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2021 Gaoye Yuan. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [128] Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2021 Haorui Zhou. 2020 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [127] Sep. 2020 - Present Jiang Li. Research on Motion Control of Underwater Vehicle-manipulator System for Pegging-in-hole Operation (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [126] Sep. 2020 - Present Lou Zhong. Research on space modual structure assembly and air bearing platform experiment based on dual-arm collaboration (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [125] Sep. 2020 - Present Yuanzhe Cui. Research on Swarm Connections (in Chinese). Doctoral thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [124] Aug. 2020 - Oct. 2020 Baida Jin. Underwater Robotics (Vehicles). Master Student.Practice/Joint-Master, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [123] May 2020 - Present Shibo Su. 2019 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [122] May 2020 - Present Jinjun Tan. 2019 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [121] May 2020 - Present Feiyu Meng. 2019 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [120] Jan. 2020 - Dec. 2021 Mingqingyang Li. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [119] Nov. 2019 - Present Zongrui Li. Tutorial student (since Nov. 2021 Bachelor Thesis), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [118] Nov. 2019 - Mar. 2022 Yuxuan Liang. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [117] Nov. 2019 - May 2020 Ziyan Huang. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [116] Nov. 2019 - Jun. 2021 Kanghao Li. Tutorial student (since Nov. 2020 Bachelor Thesis), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [115] Nov. 2019 - Jun. 2020 Ruiqi Zhang. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [114] Nov. 2019 - Mar. 2022 Zheng Zhou. Research on Modeling of Flexible Base Space Manipulator and Vibration Suppression Control of Modular Assembly (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [113] Nov. 2019 - Mar. 2022 Ngo Gia Thao. Research on Underwater Visual System of Sea Cucumber Recognition and Statistics Based on Deep Learning (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [112] Sep. 2019 - Mar. 2022 Kun Zhang. Research on the Vision SLAM Map Fusion Method and Its Application with Multiple Robots (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [111] Sep. 2019 - Mar. 2022 Daopeng Jin. Research on Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Cooperative Grabbing Operation of Underwater Dual-Arm Robot System (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [110] Sep. 2019 - Mar. 2022 Yanjun Wang. Research on Erosion Analysis and Online Monitoring Visualization System of Blast Furnace Hearth Lining(in Chinese). Master thesis (Supervised by Dr. Ruiqin Guo), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [109] Sep. 2019 - Apr. 2021 Jiahui Chen. Tutorial student (since around Apr. 2021, join the School of Software of Tongji University), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [108] Sep. 2019 - Apr. 2020 Zheyu Li. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [107] Sep. 2019 - Apr. 2020 Yuhan Xiang. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [106] Sep. 2019 - Apr. 2020 Pengyu Wang. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [105] Sep. 2019 - Apr. 2020 Chenyan Wang. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [104] Sep. 2019 - Apr. 2020 Boxu Qiao. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [103] Sep. 2019 - Apr. 2020 Bocheng Cui. Tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [102] May 2019 - Present Shuai Lang. 2018 Grade tutorial student (since Nov. 2011 Bachelor Thesis), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [101] May 2019 - Present Xinyuan Tang. 2018 Grade tutorial student (since Nov. 2011 Bachelor Thesis), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [100] May 2019 - Present Yuanhao Pan. 2018 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [99] May 2019 - Present Mingyang Shan. 2018 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [98] Feb. 2019 - Nov. 2020 Zihao Chen. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [97] Jan. 2019 - Jun. 2021 Xinyi Chen. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [96] Oct. 2018 - Oct. 2020 Zijian Ma. Multi-function Water Surface *** Cleaning Robot Based on *** (in Chinese). The Challenge Cup (Undergraduate science and technology innovation), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [95] Sep. 2018 - Apr.2020 Roxanne MORIN. Motion Planning of Swarm Robots. Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University - Paris Institute of Technology. Shanghai, China. (International student, Sino-French joint training of double master's degree student)
      [94] Sep. 2018 - Mar. 2021 Yang Hong. Underwater Vehicles (in Chinese). Master of engineering thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [93] Sep. 2018 - Mar. 2021 Zhugang Chu. Robot Manipulator and Its Grasp Strategy (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [92] Sep. 2018 - Mar. 2021 Zhipeng Xu. Multi-robot Electronic Control System (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [91] Sep. 2018 - Present Pengjie Xu. Human-Multirobot Collaborative Control (Human-Robot Collaboration and Hybrid Intelligence) (in Chinese). Doctoral thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [90] Sep. 2018 - Present Maoheng Liu. 2018 Grade tutorial student, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [89] Apr. 2018 - Dec. 2019 Yujie Wang. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [88] Apr. 2018 - Jun. 2020 Wei Dai. Program for undergraduates to join Lab. (Transfer to The Challenge Cup since Oct. 2018), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [87] Apr. 2018 - Oct. 2019 Tao Yang. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [86] Apr. 2018 - Oct. 2019 Shihai Yang. Program for undergraduates to join Lab. (Transfer to The Challenge Cup since Oct. 2018), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [85] Apr. 2018 - Jun. 2020 Lou Zhong. Program for undergraduates to join Lab. (Transfer to The Challenge Cup since Oct. 2018), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [84] Apr. 2018 - Jun. 2020 Kai Chen. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [83] Apr. 2018 - May. 2019 Jincheng Wang. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [82] Apr. 2018 - Jun. 2020 Beirui Yan. Program for undergraduates to join Lab. (Transfer to The Challenge Cup since Oct. 2018), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [81] Nov. 2017 - Jun. 2018 Yinqiang Zhang. Research on Target Tracking Method of UAV Based on Correlation Filter (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China. (co-supervised with Changhong Fu)
      [80] Nov. 2017 - Jun. 2018 Daoyu Li. Research on Target Tracking Method of UAV Based on Multiple-instance Learning (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China. (co-supervised with Changhong Fu, Tao Jiang)
      [79] Nov. 2017 - Jun. 2018 Lipeng Zhu. Design and Implementation of Swarm Robots Communication Network Based on Cloud Service (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [78] Nov. 2017 - Jun. 2018 Wencong Yu. Dynamic Analysis and Trajectory Planning of Underwater Vehicle-manipulator System (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [77] Nov. 2017 - Jun. 2018 Annan Tang. Design of Robot Manipulator Joint Controller Based on FPGA (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [76] Nov. 2017 - Jun. 2018 Xiang Liu. Structural Layout and Scheduling Design and Simulation of Nuclear Power Plant Waste Intelligent Sorting System (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [75] Nov. 2017 - Jun. 2018 Zhipeng Xu. Dynamic Target Search and Tracking of Swarm Robots Based on Stigmergy Mechanism (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [74] Sep. 2017 - Mar. 2020 Zhongqun Zhang. Structural Design and Motion Performance Analysis of Mobile Robots Facing Complex Terrain in the Field (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [73] Sep. 2017 - Mar. 2020 Qingyan Zhao. Research on Energy Optimization in Trajectory Planning and Control of Flexible-joint Manipulators (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [72] Sep. 2017 - Mar. 2020 Di Chen. Research on Visual Simulation of Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System Offshore Operation (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [71] Sep. 2017 - Mar. 2020 Xue Hu. Research on Grasp Point Planning of Robot Manipulator Based on Visual-Tactile Fusion Perception (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [70] Sep. 2017 - Mar. 2022 Jingtao Zhang. Research on Dynamic Environment Collaborative Perception Based on Intelligent Swarm Robots (in Chinese). Doctoral thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [69] Sep. 2017 - May. 2020 Shun Wu. Compliant Grasp Technology for Myoelectric and Flexible Objects (in Chinese). Doctoral thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [68] Sep. 2017 - Present Wei Luo. Game Research on Swarm Robot. Doctoral thesis, Stuttgart University. Germany. (co-supervised with Prof. P. Eberhard)
      [67] May 2017 - Apr. 2018 Zijian Ma. A Robot for the Waters Golf Ball Automatic Catch Based on Multi-source Information (in Chinese). National College Students Innovation Project (Technological Innovation Topics for Undergraduates), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [66] Apr. 2017 - Nov. 2018 Kaixian Qu. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [65] Apr. 2017 - Nov. 2018 Zhe Liu. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [64] Apr. 2017 - Nov. 2018 Fuling Lin. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [63] Apr. 2017 - Nov. 2018 Zhiyu Yang. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [62] Apr. 2017 - Nov. 2018 Jiaxi Liu. Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [61] Nov. 2016 - Jun. 2017 Shun Wu. Design of Embedded Electronic Control System for Simple Humanoid Manipulator (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [60] Nov. 2016 - Jun. 2017 Xue Hu. Structural Design of Simple Humanoid Manipulator and Research on Single-finger Transmission (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [59] Nov. 2016 - Jun. 2017 Shikai Qiu. Design of Base Station Platform for Controllable Surveillance Based on Quadrotors (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [58] Nov. 2016 - Jun. 2017 Hexing Yang. Modeling and Computational Analysis of Flexible Manipulator for Large Space Manipulator (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [57] Nov. 2016 - Jun. 2017 Jiaying Li. Research on Target Search Method Based on Stigmergy Mechanism (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [56] Sep. 2016 - Dec. 2019 Haibo Tu. Research on the Embedded Control System of Robotic Manipulator (in Chinese). Doctoral thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [55] Sep. 2016 - Mar. 2019 Zhengqiang Deng. Underwater Vehicles (Robots) (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [54] Sep. 2016 - Mar. 2019 Yuan Zhang. Swarm Robotics (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [53] Sep. 2016 - Mar. 2019 Jie Li. Development of a Service-oriented Light-weight Manipulator and Its Control (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [52] Sep. 2016 - Sep. 2021 Yinghao Li. Underwater Vehicles (Robots) (in Chinese). Doctoral thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [51] Jun. 2016 - Jul. 2017 Yingnan Liu. Path Planning of Manipulator (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [50] Jun. 2016 - Nov. 2017 Lipeng Zhu. Development of Mini Mobile Robot (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [49] Jun. 2016 - Nov. 2017 Daoyu Li. Path Planning of Swarm Robots (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [48] Jun. 2016 - Nov. 2017 Zhipeng Xu. Research on the Methods of Swarm Robots Search Based on 'Stigmergy' (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [47] Apr. 2016 - May 2017 Hongxiang Chen. A Robot for the Waters Golf Ball Automatic Catch Based on Multi-source Information (in Chinese). National College Students Innovation Project (Technological Innovation Topics for Undergraduates), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [46] Apr. 2016 - Dec. 2018 Jingpei Wu. A Robot for the Waters Golf Ball Automatic Catch Based on Multi-source Information (in Chinese). National College Students Innovation Project (Technological Innovation Topics for Undergraduates), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [45] Apr. 2016 - Dec. 2018 Yiyong Sun. A Robot for the Waters Golf Ball Automatic Catch Based on Multi-source Information (in Chinese). National College Students Innovation Project (Technological Innovation Topics for Undergraduates), Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [44] Apr. 2016 - Nov. 2016 Jiaying Li. Car Carried Air Cleaning Robot Based on One Kind of Special Material (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [43] Apr. 2016 - Nov. 2016 Shun Wu. Embedded Electrical System Design of a Simple Humanoid Hand Effector (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [42] Apr. 2016 - Nov. 2016 Xue Hu. Mechanical System Design of a Simple Humanoid Hand Effector (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [41] Apr. 2016 - Nov. 2016 Shikai Qiu. Design of a Base Station on the PC for Controllable Monitoring Based on Quadrotors (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [40] Apr. 2016 - Sep. 2016 Daiying Zhang. Elastic Links Modelling and Computational Analysis of One Large-scale Robotic Manipulator (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [39] Oct. 2015 - Nov. 2016 Hexing Yang. Assistance to Develop the Prototype of Light-weight Manipulator (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [38] Oct. 2015 - Jun. 2016 Haibo Tu. Tracking and Monitoring of the Quadrotor Based on Monocular Vision (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [37] Oct. 2015 - Jun. 2016 Han Zhang. Rigid-flexible Multibody Modelling of Large-scale Space Manipulator and Analysis of Motion Characteristics (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [36] Oct. 2015 - Jun. 2016 Chenliang Wang. Process Planning and Coordinate Operation Simulation of Heterogeneous Multi-robot in Smart Factory (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [35] Oct. 2015 - Jun. 2016 Jie Li. Joint Transmission Design and Motion Control System Building of Multi-joint Light Weight Robot (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [34] Nov. 2015 - May 2016 Wei Luo. Multi-quadrotor Flying Control Based on Wireless Localization. Master thesis, Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany--Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. (co-supervised with Prof. Eberhard)
      [33] Oct. 2015 - Jun. 2016 Zhongtian Cai. Assistance to Design the Light-weight Manipulator (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [32] Sep. 2015 - Mar. 2018 Lu Ding. Research and Develop of a Swarm of Bionic Mini Mobile Robots (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [31] Sep. 2015 - Mar. 2018 Lingkai Zhang. Rigid - flexible Coupling Multibody Dynamics Taking a Space Manipulator as the Testbed (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [30] Sep. 2015 - Sep. 2020 Fangchao Yu. Swarm Robotics (in Chinese). Doctoral thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [29] Sep. 2015 - Mar. 2018 Le Liang. Underwater Robotics (Vehicles) (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [28] Dec. 2014 - Sep. 2015 Han Zhang. Research on Space Manipulator (in Chinese). Program for undergraduates to join Lab., Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [27] Dec. 2014 - Jun. 2016 Shanya Hu. 3D Printer for Architectural Materials (in Chinese). Technological innovation topics for undergraduates, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China. (co-supervised with Jing Li and Qianrong Yang)
      [26] Dec. 2014 - Jun. 2016 Chongjian Yu. 3D Printer for Architectural Materials (in Chinese). Technological innovation topics for undergraduates, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China. (co-supervised with Jing Li and Qianrong Yang)
      [25] Dec. 2014 - Jun. 2016 Yuanjie Wu. 3D Printer for Architectural Materials (in Chinese). Technological innovation topics for undergraduates, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China. (co-supervised with Jing Li and Qianrong Yang)
      [24] Dec. 2014 - Dec. 2016 Yuhang Li. 3D Printer for Architectural Materials (in Chinese). Technological innovation topics for undergraduates, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China. (co-supervised with Jing Li and Qianrong Yang)
      [23] Dec. 2014 - Jun. 2015 Yingcong Zhong. Deduction of Equation of Rigid-Flexible Coupling Motion and Modelling of Large Space Manipulator (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [22] Dec. 2014 - Jun. 2015 Chaojun Tang. Three Dimensional Modelling of Large Space Manipulator (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [21] Dec. 2014 - Jun. 2015 Gongyao Chen. Three-Dimensional Modeling and Transmission Design of the Light-weight Robot (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [20] Dec. 2014 - Jun. 2015 Yu Zhuang. Dynamic Analysis and Control of Multi-Rotor UAV (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [19] Dec. 2014 - Jun. 2015 Lei Zhang. A Comparative Study of Biology Inspired Algorithms Applied to a Swarm of Mobile Robots (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [18] Dec. 2014 - Jun. 2015 Lu Ding. Research on Swarm Robots Searching for Multiple Targets Simultaneously (in Chinese). Bachelor thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [17] Sep. 2014 - Mar. 2017 Qiqi Zheng. Symbolic Modelling and Optimization of Large Space Manipulator Based on the Techniques of Rigid-flexible Coupled Multibody System (in Chinese). Master thesis, Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [16] Dec. 2013 - Sep. 2014 Haoliang Cai. Experiments and Scientific Work Assistant (Hiwi) at the Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [15] Oct. 2013 - Apr. 2014 Andreas Eitel. Cooperative Formation Control and Obstacle Avoidance for Multiple Mobile Robots. Diplomarbeit DIPL-MSC-212 , Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany. (co-supervised with Mrs. Alia Salah)
      [14] Nov. 2013 - Sep. 2014 Weiran Lin. Experiments and Scientific Work Assistant (Hiwi) at the Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [13] Nov. 2013 - Sep. 2014 Wei Luo. Experiments and Scientific Work Assistant (Hiwi) at the Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [12] Apr. 2013 - Nov. 2013 Wei Luo. Create a 3D Simulation Environment with Physical Engine for Verifying Robot Motions. Bachelor Thesis BSC-016, Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [11] Apr. 2013 - Jan. 2014 Huiyuan Zhang. Mechanical Design, Analysis and Simulation of a Wheeled Mobile Robot. Bachelor Thesis BSC-015, Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [10] Apr. 2013 - Jan. 2014 Weiran Lin. Building and Controlling of a Wheeled Mobile Robot. Bachelor Thesis BSC-017, Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [9] Apr. 2013 - Oct. 2013 Abir Braham. Non-model Based Controls for Mobile Robot Source Searching with Consideration of Obstacle Avoidance. Diplomarbeit DIPL-MSC-202, Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [8] Nov. 2012 - Sep. 2013 Kaiyu Yu. Swarm Robots Search for Multiple Targets. Diplomarbeit DIPL-MSC-201, Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [7] Oct. 2011 - Sep. 2014 Alia Salah. Cooperative Control of Multiple Mobile Robots for Load Transportation. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany. (co-supervised with Prof. Eberhard)
      [6] May 2011 - Apr. 2012 Ataulmunim Choudhry. An External Software PID Controller Design and Tuning for Robotino Mobile Robots. Student Thesis STUD-370, Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [5] May 2011 - Apr. 2012 Rohail Munir. Odometry Error Propagation and Correction for One Kind of Omnidirectional Mobile Robots. Student Thesis STUD-369, Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [4] May 2011 - Dec. 2011 Alexander Fröhlich. Modeling and Simulation of a Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot. Student Thesis STUD-368, Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [3] Nov. 2011 - Mar. 2013 Weiran Lin. Experiments and Scientific Work Assistant (Hiwi) at the Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [2] Nov. 2011 - Mar. 2013 Wei Luo. Experiments and Scientific Work Assistant (Hiwi) at the Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
      [1] Oct. 2010 - Aug. 2011 Junjie Luo. Experiments and Scientific Work Assistant (Hiwi) at the Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

  • Presentations & Posters (Selected)
    • [70] 10.07.2016 The robots who introduce us to the space and underwater during these years. Invited talk given at the program of summer school of reading for Interests & Unlimited Motivation for Study for the high school students. JShanghai, China.
      [69] 25-30.06.2016 A Comparative Study of Biology-inspired Algorithms Applied to Swarm Robots Target Searching. Talk given at the IEEE International Conference on Swarm Intelligence. Bali, Indonesia.
      [68] 23.06.2016 Fundamentals of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Defense to the Tongji Top-notch English Course Construction. Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
      [66] 02.06.2016 The Situation of China Robotics and Mechatronics Field & Explore a Nice Way of Supports from the Experts of CGME. Talk given at the program of academic Seminars of CGME Group Visit Tongji. Shanghai, China.
      [64] 24.05.2016 How to start and survive in front of powerful institutions in the world for our robotics research (in Chinese)? Talk given at the program of academic Activities of School of Mechanical Engineering for the 109th AnniversaryCelebration of Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [62] 30.04.2016 Where is the direction? Record my senior years as an undergraduate (in Chinese). Invited talk given at the program of accompanied Grow Up for the students major in Mechanical Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology. Harbin, China.
      [61] 27.04.2016 Our Researches on Robotics & Some Feelings/Difficulties as a Startup PI in China. One discussion talk given at the Pujiang Session of Scientists Monthly Forum of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality. Shanghai, China.
      [59] 20-22.04.2016 The Overdosed Situation and Survival Skills of the Enterprises on Robotics and Biomechatronics (in Chinese). Invited talk given at the program of business Mentors of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of P. R. China Went for the Tangshan Overseas Chinese High-Tech Venture Park. Tangshan, China.
      [58] 12.04.2016 Advances of Robotic Theories and Techniques (in Chinese). Talk given at the seminar lecture of advances of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [56] 01.04.2016 The Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System (in Chinese). Talk given to the visit group from the Service Center for Overseas High-level Talented Person of Jiading District of Shanghai. Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
      [54] 17.03.2016 Our Researches on Robotics & Some Feelings as a Startup PI in China. Invited talk given at the SUSTech Global Scientists Forum. South University of Science and Technology of China. Shenzhen, China.
      [53] 15.03.2016 Welcome Speech & RMB Lab. Introduction. International collaboration with TU Darmstadt, IMS-RMB Meeting with Breakthrough. Shanghai, China.
      [52] 18.01.2016 Brief Introduction of Tongji University and Its Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System (in Chinese). Talk given at the project negotiation at China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. Shenzhen, China.
      [50] 19.12.2015 Some Words Given Before the 2015 Status Seminar of RMB Lab. (in Chinese). Status Seminar of Laboratory of Robotics and Multibody System, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [49] 17.12.2015 Proposal and Some Tests of Robot for Architecture-oriented 3D Printing (in Chinese). Talk given at the China Construction Eighth Engineering Division. Corp. Ltd. Shanghai, China.
      [48] 01.12.2015 Robotics and Biomechatronics (in Chinese). Poster exhibited at the series of programs of made in China 2025, Experts of 1000 Plan & National High-level Personnel of Special Support Program, at the special session of High-end Equipment-Making Future. Haimen, China.
      [47] 15.11.2015 Service Robots: Small Concept of Nowadays, Expected Big Service in the Near Future (in Chinese). Invited talk given at the Second International Conference on Robot and Intelligent Equipment. November 15, 2015, Dongguan, China.
      [46] 01.11.2015 Excerpted Proposal of Architecture 3D Printing by RMB Lab. of Tongji (in Chinese). Talk given at the China Construction Eighth Engineering Division. Corp. Ltd. Shanghai, China.
      [44] 19-20.09.2015 Development of a Service-oriented Multi-joint Light-weight Robotic Manipulator (in Chinese). Poster exhibited at the series of programs of made in China 2025, Experts of 1000 Plan & National High-level Personnel of Special Support Program, at the special session of Intelligent Manufacturing-Robot Replace Human, Create Future. Kunshan, China.
      [43] 10-12.09.2015 Development of a Service-oriented Light-weight Robotic Manipulator (in Chinese). Poster exhibited at the program of experts of 1000 Plan Visit Zibo of Shandong Province & Innovation Projects Discussion. Zibo, China.
      [42] 14.07.2015 Modular Design and Software Development for the Motion Control of a Multi-joint Lightweight Robot Manipulator (in Chinese). Talk given at the defense for a project to be sponsored by fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities-Interdisciplinary Projects. Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
      [41] 21.05.2015 Where is the direction? (in Chinese) Invited talk given at the lecture of 'Study Abroad (Germany)' for the Rhine Class of Tongji. Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
      [40] 15.05.2015 Differentially Driven Robot (DDR) (in Chinese). Talk given at the trial-lecture for new staff. Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
      [39] 13.05.2015 Researches and Current Constructions at RMB. Talk given at TRW - RMB (Tongji) Symposium on Simulation Technology and Robotics. Shanghai, China.
      [38] 06.05.2015 Research on the Key Fundamentals of Bio-inspired Theories and Its Applications for the Cooperative Control of Swarm Robots (in Chinese). Talk given at the defense of '2015 Pujiang Program'. Shanghai, China.
      [36] 11.11.2014 Defense Talk for the Exceptional Promotion of Ph.D. Supervisor (in Chinese). Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
      [35] 15.07.2014 Searching with Mobile Robots in a Swarm. Talk given at Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik (FVA) Work Group Meeting. Stuttgart, Germany.
      [34] 02.07.2014 Differentially Driven Robot (DDR), Course 'basis of Robotics'. Lecture given by online remotely to Xiamen University.
      [33] 02.07.2014 My Researches on Robotics & Mechatronics. Invited talk given by online remotely to Xiamen University.
      [32] 24.06.2014 Robots Formation Control. Status Seminar of Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. Bad Liebenzell, Germany.
      [31] 05.06.2014 A Short Seminar on Swarm Robotics and Intelligence. Talk given at School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University. Shanghai, China.
      [30] 29.05.2014 Simulated and Real Robots in a Collaborative Swarm for Targets Searching. Invited talk given at South University of Science and Technology of China. Shenzhen, China.
      [29] 24.03.2014 Swarm Robotics and Intelligence. Video Presentation given to the School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University.
      [28] 13.12.2013 My Dream on Robotics. Remote Presentation given to the School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University.
      [27] 05.12.2013 From Swarm Search to Swarm Formation. Project talk given at the 6th SimTech Status Seminar. Bad Boll, Germany.
      [26] 4-6.12.2013 Optimization-based Search Performed by Groups of Mechanical Robots: Part V - Instantialized Experiments (Real2). Poster at the 6th SimTech Status Seminar. Bad Boll, Germany.
      [25] 05.10.2013 Swarm Robots Cooperative Search and Its Key Technologies of Localization and Liberate Localization. Invited talk given at the Annual Meeting and Seminar of CGME. Stuttgart, Germany.
      [24] 16.07.2013 Part I: Cooperative Search by Mixed Simulated and Real Robots in a Swarm Based on Mechanical Particle Swarm Optimization; Part II: Other Researches on Robotics and Mechatronics; Part III: Plan of Following Research and Teaching. Invited talk given at the JIE seminar of Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, USA.
      [23] 21.06.2013 Swarm Intelligence, Optimization and Swarm Robotics. Invited talk given at the 7th 'ME' renowned lecturers forum (No. 9 session), School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University. Shanghai, China.
      [22] 20.06.2013 Investigate on Simulated-Real Swarm Robots Cooperative Search from a Multibody Point of View. Talk given at the State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Nanjing, China.
      [21] 18.06.2013 A Robot Group Mixed with Simulated and Real Robots for Cooperative Search. Talk given at the College of Mechatronics, Harbin Institute of Technology, within the 'Chunhui' program supported by the Ministry of Education of P.R. China. Harbin, China.
      [20] 14.06.2013 Mechanical PSO Aided by Extremum Seeking for Swarm Robots Cooperative Search. The Fourth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (IC-SI' 2013). Harbin, China.
      [19] 13.06.2013 Some of My Researches on Robotics. Talk given at Laboratory of Bionic Robot and Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology. Beijing, China.
      [18] 2013.06.11 Liberate Robot Navigation and Positioning. Status Seminar of Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. Bad Liebenzell, Germany.
      [17] 2012.12.5-7 Optimization-based Search Performed by Groups of Mechanical Robots: Part IV - Verification by Experiments. Poster at the 5th SimTech Status Seminar. Bad Boll, Germany.
      [16] 2012.09.27 Cooperative Search by Mixed Simulated and Real Robots in a Swarm Based on Mechanical Particle Swarm Optimization. Presentation as part of the Ph.D. Defense, University of Stuttgart. Stuttgart, Germany.
      [15] 2012.07.13 Position Control of Omnidirectional Mobile Robots for Cooperative Search. Sino-German Ph.D. students workshop held by University of Stuttgart, Tongji University, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Shanghai, China.
      [14] 2012.06.12 Some Feelings to the Indoor Mobile Robots Positioning. Status Seminar of Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. Bad Liebenzell, Germany
      [13] 2011.11.21-23 Optimization-based Search Performed by Groups of Mechanical Robots: Part III - Position Control. Poster at the 4th SimTech Status Seminar. Bad Boll, Germany.
      [12] 2011.07.19 The Thief of Time - ResearchWork and Time Management. Status Seminar of Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. Hohenwart, Germany.
      [11] 2011.07.14-17 A System Level Hybrid Strategy for the Position Control of a Group of Robotino Robots. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Simulation Technology. Stuttgart, Germany.
      [10] 2010.12.8-10 Optimization-based Search Performed by Groups of Mechanical Robots: Part II - Simulation and Off-line Trajectory Tracking. Poster at the 3rd SimTech Status Seminar. Bad Boll, Germany.
      [9] 2010.10.15 Optimization and Swarm Robots. Dynamiktag of Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. Stuttgart, Germany.
      [8] 2010.07.08 Modeling and Motion Planning for a Population of Mobile Robots. Talk given at the 18th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control. Udine, Italy.
      [7] 2010.06.30 Try to Deploy the Algorithm and Mechanism onto Real Robotino Robots. Status Seminar of Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. Hohenwart, Germany.
      [6] 2010.02.11 Research on Cooperative Motion of Swarm Mobile Robots Based on PSO and Multibody Dynamics. Bilateral TEMPUS. Split, Croatia.
      [5] 2009.12.1-3 Optimization-based Search Performed by Groups of Mechanical Robots: Part I - Modeling. Poster at the 2nd SimTech Status Seminar. Bad Herrenalb, Germany.
      [4] 2009.07.07 VL-ALPSO: A Swarm Intelligent Algorithm Designed for Swarm Mobile Robots-Design and Simulation. Status Seminar of Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. Hohenwart, Germany.
      [3] 2009.06.02 Introduction of My Researches in China and in Germany. Welcome Speech to the Visiting Journalists for Shanghai 2010 EXPO. Stuttgart, Germany.
      [2] 2008.07.01 Development of an Embedded Controller for Prosthetic Hand Based on Voice and Electromyography Signals (in Chinese). Presentation as part of the Master Defense, Harbin Institute of Technology. Harbin, China.
      [1] 2006.06.30 Finite Element Analysis of Mechanical Properties and Structural Optimization for a Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscope (in Chinese). Presentation as part of the Bachelor Defense, Harbin Institute of Technology. Harbin, China.